Hastings Democratic Committee
Running for Hastings-on-Hudson Village Office on the Democratic Party Line
Please note that, due to passage of the 2022 ballot proposition to move the date of the Hastings-on-Hudson Village Election from March to November, this page has been updated to conform with the procedures for running for village office in the November General Election in New York State.
The following summary provides an overview of certain important steps in the process with respect to Hastings Village elections, and includes links for additional sources of information.
How the Process Works:
Elected Offices
There are six elected offices in Hastings-on-Hudson: Mayor (1), Trustee (4), and Village Justice (1). The Mayor and Trustees serve two-year terms. The Village Justice serves a four-year term.
Election Announcement
By December of each year, the Hastings Democratic Committee (the "Committee”) will publicly announce which Hastings Village offices are up for election in the following year and which incumbents are seeking re-election. The Committee will also announce a time period during which individuals seeking the Committee’s endorsement may submit a current résumé and letter of introduction stating their qualifications and experience, goals for the Village, and thoughts about implementation of those goals.
Endorsement Process
The function of an endorsement is for the Committee to identify those candidates for whom Committee members will be asked to carry designating petitions, as well as to indicate the Committee's candidate preferences to the community. The Committee's endorsement does not determine which candidates will run for office or appear on the Democratic Party ballot line in the General Election; the registered Democratic voters of Hastings-on-Hudson decide that, by choosing which designating petitions to sign and, in the case of a contest, by voting in the June Primary Election.
All prospective candidates who have submitted their résumés and letters of introduction before the announced deadline will be invited to interview with the Committee members at an executive session to be held in January and/or February. They also will be asked to participate in a meet-the-candidates event for registered Hastings Democrats. Thereafter, the Committee’s District Leaders will convene in executive session to decide whether and whom the Committee will endorse.
Getting on the Ballot
In previous years, when the Hastings Village Election was held in March, Democratic nominees for Village office were decided at a January Caucus conducted by the Hastings Democratic Committee. As of 2023, candidates for Village office will need to participate in the designating petition process administered by the Westchester County Board of Elections (WCBOE) pursuant to New York State Election Law.
To run for village office in New York State, an individual must reside within the village for the office sought. In Westchester County, such a candidate must submit a designating petition with the required number of valid signatures to the WCBOE for certification, and must do so within the deadline specified in the current year’s New York State Political Calendar. If, as the result of the designating petitioning process, there is more than one eligible candidate for a particular office, those candidates will be eligible to participate in the Democratic Primary Election.
Sample forms, signature requirements, and other essential information can be found at Running for Office Forms and Election Dates and Calendars on the WCBOE website, and Running for Office on the New York State Board of Elections website.
The Committee expects its endorsed Democratic candidates to engage actively with the public during the campaign phase, whether or not the positions they seek are contested. Activities include participation in candidate forums; appearances at community gatherings; door-to-door canvassing and distribution of campaign literature; outreach to The Rivertowns Enterprise and/or other local news outlets; and the creation of a website, public Facebook, or other social media page with a means for voters to contact the candidate. The Committee will offer assistance for these activities to its endorsed candidates.
In the event of a Democratic Party primary, the Committee will endeavor to ensure that a candidate forum is conducted through the League of Women Voters of the Rivertowns or other means.
Primary Election
The New York State Primary Election is held on the fourth Tuesday in June (unless otherwise changed by an act of government), preceded by nine days of early voting and the opportunity for absentee voting by mail. Registered voters will receive an information postcard from the WCBOE in advance of the Primary Election. This and other voting information may also be found on the WCBOE website.
General Election
The General Election is held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, preceded by nine days of early voting and the opportunity for absentee voting by mail. Voters will receive an information postcard from the WCBOE in advance of the General Election. This and other voting information may also be found on the WCBOE website.
What the Committee Looks for in a Mayor or Trustee Candidate:
Professional skills or other experience relevant to serving in Village government
Demonstrated commitment to the community, preferably on one of the Village’s volunteer boards or committees
Basic understanding of the structure of Village government
Basic understanding of the different roles of Village, Town, County, and State government
Familiarity with longstanding and current issues before the Hastings Board of Trustees
Clearly stated ideas about what the nominee hopes to contribute and/or accomplish in office
Good communication skills and a respectful approach to interacting with others
If the candidate is an incumbent or has previously held public office, record of participation and performance in office
Commitment to fundamental Democratic Party values and goals, in particular as may be applied at the village level of government (e.g., promoting fundamental Democratic party priorities on issues including freedom of choice and climate change; promoting diversity, inclusion, social justice, and economic opportunity; upholding the rule of law; and ensuring free and fair elections decided by the accurate counting of ballots).
Democratic Party registration, with a record of consistent voting
What the Committee Looks for in a Village Justice Candidate:
Legal training and experience relevant to the issues and cases under the jurisdiction of the Village Justice (e.g., allegations of violations of the Penal Law, Vehicle and Traffic Law, and Village Code). [It is not a requirement in New York State that persons elected as town and village-level justices hold a law license, though admission to the New York State bar is a preferred criterion for this Committee.]
Demonstrated commitment to the community, preferably on one of the Village’s volunteer boards or committees
Administrative skills/experience to ensure effective management of the Village Court caseload
Good communication skills, including strong writing skills, and a respectful approach to interacting with others
If the candidate is an incumbent or has previously held public office, record of participation and performance in office
Commitment to fundamental Democratic Party values and goals, and a willingness to consider cases before the Village Court with a capacity for empathy and fairness
Democratic Party registration, with a record of consistent voting
Candidates will be evaluated comprehensively on their qualifications and presentation.
[Updated December 2022]