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  • adamhartmusic

Announcing our endorsed candidates!

Please open your doors to our district leaders as they carry designating petitions through the end of March to help get all our endorsed Democratic candidates on the November 2023 ballot. Village of Hastings-on-Hudson: Mayor: Nicola Armacost* Trustee (2 seats): Thomas Drake* & Douglass Alligood Town of Greenburgh: Supervisor: Paul Feiner* Council Member (2 seats): Gina Jackson* & Beatrice Joy Haber Clerk: Lisa Maria Nero Justice: Delores S. Brathwaite* Westchester County: Legislator: David Imamura* Judge: Ann B. Bianchi 9th Judicial District: Judicial Delegates: Suzanne Berger, Steven Bass, Robin Bikkal, Leslie Chervokas, Phillip Chonigman, Lemuel Davis, Isabel Figueroa, Sheryl Rosenberg, Barry McGoey, Jonathan Sorkowitz, Lisa Denig, Bruce Campbell, John Fisher, and Thomas Meier Jr.


Please note that petitioning will conclude at the end of March.

About signing petitions...

Signing a designating petition does not equal an endorsement, a promise as to how you will vote, or any other pledge of support. It is only an agreement to put a candidate/slate on the ballot. After signing for one candidate/slate, do not sign for any other candidate/slate for the same office(s). To qualify for the June primary election, each candidate/slate must have the required number of valid signatures from a unique set of voters. Your signature should legibly resemble the signature you provide when you sign in at the voting booth. Use your full name as it appears in your voter registration; no nicknames or initials. Do not print your name, unless that is your signature of record with the Board of Elections. Take your time and ask questions. You should always make sure to understand what races you are signing for, as well as who is carrying the petition (their name and address should be filled in under "Statement of Witness" at the bottom of each petition sheet). These occasions are also a great way to provide your feedback to the Hastings Dems about local politics and the work we do as Democrats. We can't get candidates on the ballot without your signatures. By signing designating petitions, you're helping to make the democratic process happen. Thank you!

FAQ: Why is petitioning done so far ahead of the election?

We carry petitions in late winter in order to qualify our candidates for the June primary preceding the next November general election—with time built into the political calendar for the County Board of Elections to certify petitions, create ballots, and administer the early voting phase. The dates for when we begin and finish gathering signatures are issued each year by the NYS Board of Elections, in accordance with NYS Election Law.

Upcoming dates...

June Primary Election:

  • June 12 - Mail deadline for Primary Election absentee ballots

  • June 17–25 - Primary Election Early Voting

  • June 27 - Primary Election Day

November General Election:

  • Oct. 23 - Mail deadline for General Election absentee ballots

  • Oct, 28–Nov. 5 - General Election Early Voting

  • Nov. 7 - General Election Day

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