Fellow Hastings Democrats, A quick reminder that today--February 28th--is the last day to request absentee ballots online for our March 15 Village Election. The form takes about 30 second to fill out. A ballot will then be sent to your home. Here the link: https://absenteeballot.elections.ny.gov/ Absentee ballots can also be requested in person until March 14 at the Board of Elections in White Plains, where you can immediately obtain your ballot AND cast your vote. https://citizenparticipation.westchestergov.com/voting/absentee-ballots
As we watch war unfurl in Europe, participating in our local elections takes special meaning. I hope you will support our excellent Trustee Candidates Morgen Fleisig and Georgia Lopez and be a part of our Village's democratic process.
Cassandra Sweet
Chair, Hastings Democratic Committee