Dear Hastings Democrats,
You may have seen by now the results of last Tuesday's primary election, but what you may not know is that Hastings delivered far and away the best voter turnout in our Assembly district....34%!!!
Okay, you may scratch your head and ask, Did she just put three exclamation marks after a number well below the halfway mark? Yes, I did. Because, in an election that saw about 15% turnout statewide, 34% is truly head-turning. As noted by local political watcher Daniel Weinfeld in his latest Manor Woods Blog post: "With turnout rates 40% higher than any other village or area in 92AD, Hastings packs a punch double than might be expected from its relatively small population."
That level of engagement is difference-making, and it's what makes our little village a priority on the political map. So, while the Hastings Democratic Committee will always work to promote higher voter turnout, 34% in this primary is truly an accomplishment to be cheered. Thanks to all of you who voted, whichever candidates you supported, and thanks to the candidates who provided us with choice at the polls.
Our appreciation goes out especially to Assemblyman Tom Abinanti for his decades of steadfast work on behalf of Greenburgh, Westchester, and—for the last 12 years—New York State residents.
Congratulations to Kathy Hochul, Antonio Delgado, and MaryJane Shimsky on their decisive victories! It's going to be an exciting season supporting these candidates in the November general election.
But first, mark your calendars for August 23rd, when New York will have one more primary election for U.S. Congress and State Senate.
And one more thank you, to the hundreds of village voters who signed the petition for a ballot proposition to Move the Hastings Village Election from March to the November calendar—and to those who carried petitions to collect those signatures! We look forward to seeing this choice come before Hastings voters in the fall.
Happy Fourth of July!
Cassandra Sweet
Chair, Hastings Democratic Committee
P.S. With the holiday weekend and short week ahead, we have pushed our next monthly meeting to July 14th (agenda and invitation to be sent soon).
